

After completing WA Batch 11 in May 2008, I returned to WA 12 as a coach on a part-time basis. What I learnt as a coach is the team spirit. The coaches aren't paid for spending time in AKLTG. However, it is the passion that drove every coach to do more than 100% to make sure that the participants benefit from the program.

For those who are WA graduates, I encourage you to seriously consider to come back as a coach. You may not realise the fun in the coach room. There were lots of happenings and with Adam and Conrad in the room, there was fun and laugh I can say.

I always believe a project cannot be accomplished if the team members don't have chemistry. However, this was not the case for this team. Some of us were already friends from POE and some of us were from Conrad's Wealth Academy Trader - like Justin, Sean and Kavin.

The only regret I have is that I missed the happening on Friday and Saturday whereby from word of mouth, our Mr. Terry Seah did a pretty good job in the game we play in WA. As by popularity, Mr. Terry Seah (our Ah XXXX) will be the next Program Director for WA 13, who will be assisted by Kavin Chia - the Assistant PD.



Patterns of Excellence (Module 1) - 10 to 13 July 2008

Another milestone was achieved over the weekend when I completed my Module 1 of Patterns of Excellence (POE) at AKLTG.

Module 1 is about how we can use POE to transform the quality of OUR own lives. We learn:

Ultimate Success Formula
Mental-Recording: Master Your Mind
Create Empowering Beliefs
Re-programming patterns of behaviour
Design Your Destiny
Reframing - transform problems into opportunities
Anchoring: activate powerful states
Values: discover your driving force
Peak states for peak performance
Build instant rapport with the others

After completing the course over 3.5 days, I graduated from this class and became a member of Whoosh Batch 25.

So, I moved towards my goals a little bit further. One of my goals was to complete POE in 2008 and I am glad to say that I have made it.

This course is not a trading or investment course. It's about how one gets to know himself better. Isn't it true that as a professional trader, it is important to know your trading personality. So, this course gave me an opportunity to reveal my emotional self.

Although the course started at 9AM, it ended at 2AM the next day. Interestingly, despite the jam-packed schedules and the fact that I only slept 12 hours over the last 4 days, I was not fatigue at all. In fact, when I am preparing this post, I am full of energy because I can say "hmm ... ENERGIZED!, YES!!". I am also playing Rocky Music in my brain to wake me up. This course has completely removed my limiting belief on many things.


I take this opportunity to thank Adam because he continuously inspired me (and sometimes makes me feel agitated). Realizing that Adam and I have many areas common, can I model his excellence and excel myself? Why not? In fact, I have incorporated a lot of his speaking styles in my training too. I am also good at "copying" or "replicating" someone if you don't realize.

Apart from Adam and the co-trainer (Stuart), I must also thank Nicolas and Jun De who were our coaches for Group 9, and Peter, Chiew Ling, Kia Huey, Hidah and Lawrenece for being supportive when we performed certain group activities in class.

I also would like to commend the courage and confidence Kia Huey and Hidah gained during the course. At the beginning, they shared with the group that they did not have any confidence in speaking in front of the entire group of audience. Guess what they did eventually (see below):

See Kia Huey who was speaking confidently and with emotion next to Adam and her thank-you note to all the participants (see right)

See Left - Kia Huey spoke with emotion when she was on the main stage. This is the power of empowered belief - if you believe you can speak in front of the public, just one trigger is good enough to make you do what you believe you can do.

After Kia Huey gave her speech, guess what happened on Hidah?

She put herself on the line because she committed to the group that one of the stretch goals is to come up to the front and speak to the group. And with Kia Huey's speech, it fired up Hidah's emotion and she made it!!

Before the end of the course, each of us was required to write our name, our fear and limiting beliefs on wooden boards. Ladies needed to break 1 and Men needed to break at least 2 boards.

Our Mr. Atakalawoo (Lawrence) told us that it would be easy to break 2 boards. So, he opted to break 3 and guess what? He made it. Since Mr. Atakalawoo broke 3 pieces, I asked myself this question - can I be better than him? So, I asked for 4 pieces. Although it took me about 10 attempts (not the three-letter word huh!), I also made it. The goup's record was evidenced by the picture above.

I believe I came for one of the best courses I ever did in my life and I have committed to take up POE Module 2 during Oct 29 to 2 Nov at AKLTG to learn the advanced NLP techniques. In the meantime, SBG25 Group has started operating, and we must work hard to achieve our goals!